Start of Mercia fight:
- Bluebird! What are you doing all the way out here?
- Dad! So this is where you went!
- Weren't you going on a diplomatic expedition overseas?
- I'm on the trail of an ancient weapon that people say is loose in Aurania.
- Why are you here? Are you looking for it too?
- I am...
- I wished you'd said - we could have gone after it together.
- The artefact you seek... it's more than a weapon, little one. Its name is Requiem, and it is... monstrous.
- Don't worry, Dad. I don't want to use it for anything.
- I'm planning to destroy it! It sounds so dangerous...
- It IS dangerous, Mercia.
- Please return home and allow me to deal with it.
- We'll deal with it together!
- You're all I've got left, Dad...
- Don't ask me to leave.
- I'm afraid I must... You're all I have left too.
- I'm not going home! If I have to prove I'm worthy of helping you, then so be it!
- Let me show you I'm ready! Let's battle!
- If I win, we stick together, if I lose, I go home.
- Very well, then...
End of Mercia fight (Victory):
- ...
- So you're going on without me...?
- Truly, it's for the best.
- Please, just... Be careful, Dad.
- I will, Bluebird, I promise.
End of Mercia fight (Defeat):
- I did it!
- See, Dad? I can help!
- Oh, Bluebird...
- I won't break my word...
- But if we are to stay together, then we will be returning home to Cherrystone Castle.
- But Dad--
- I'm sorry, that is my final word.
Start of Greenfinger fight:
- You are Greenfinger Zawan, are you not?
- I am...
- And judging by your attire, I would guess that you are King Mercival, the ruler of Cherrystone.
- Quite right!
- It is an honour.
- The honour is all mine!
- But I'm surprised to see you so far from the Gloomwoods...
- I was led to believe that Greenfingers prefer to remain among their people.
- Hoho! The Floran do need a close eye kept on them...
- But some matters require even more attention...
- I search for an object of arcane power... I intend to bring about its destructon.
- Oh... I believe that I, too, seek this object.
- I urge you to let me deal with it.
- With all due respect, Your Majesty, this object was forged by human hands...
- And by all accounts, it overcame its creators.
- I believe only a Floran may rid the world of its evil.
- I do follow your logic, Greenfinger, it's just...
- My family was charged with the guardianship of this object a long time ago...
- It is my burden to bear.
- And yet, it seems you have not been able to keep your ward in check.
- It would not be wise to-- I'm afraid I cannot step aside.
- I understand... but neither can I.
- To battle, then...
End of Greenfinger fight (Victory):
- You fought well, Greenfinger, but I am destined to complete this quest.
- I will destroy the weapon.
- I hope you are right.
End of Greenfinger fight (Defeat):
- I have failed...
- Rest assured, King Mercival, I shall succeed.
Start of Tenri fight:
- Empress Tenri! Is that you?! It's been so long!
- King Mercival! It's wonderful to see you!
- But what brings you to this place?
- Alas, nothing good.
- What's wrong? Do you require aid?
- I am here because I seek something - an ancient and powerful weapon known as--
- Requiem. I've heard of it... I, too, seek it.
- Oh.
- Your Highness, I beg of you, please leave this to me.
- I do not doubt your capabilities for one moment...
- But I believe I, and I alone, may destroy Requiem.
- Destroy it?!
- Of Course.
- I can't allow you to destroy it! I need it!
- With Requiem by my side, I could truly protect Heavensong!
- My empire, my people, my family... All safe.
- Your Highness... Tenri... That is not how Requiem works.
- It is a weapon of ruin. If you try to wield it...
- It will destroy you, and everything you hold dear.
- You think I am so easily corrupted? Will you try to stop me claiming it?
- I am duty bound to do so...
- Then draw your sword, old friend.
End of Tenri fight (Victory):
- ...
- So you will destroy it, then?
- I will.
- At least that will keep it out of Felheim's grasp...
End of Tenri fight (Defeat):
- Please... Reconsider your quest.
- No. I'm sorry, Mercival. Heavensong needs Requiem.
Start of Sigrid fight:
- ...I had feared our paths would cross on this quest. Alas, I was right.
- Oh. A blue-haired monarch. Which one are you? The sword-swinging airhead...
- Or the idiot archer?
- Oh wait, it's neither. You're father to the first and son to the second.
- What a family.
- It's King Mercival, isn't it? You're the twitchy, witless one with the saber.
- And you are Sigrid, High Vampire of the West. Cruel and savage. A truly hateful creature.
- Ha! If I had a drop of blood in my veins, I'd be blushing!
- Requiem's awakening - was it your doing?
- Fool! If it had been MY doing, I would already have used it to claim dominion over Aurania.
- I wouldn't be searching for it here, would I?
- ...But why are YOU here?
- That is none of your concern.
- Don't play coy with me, little king. It tries my patience.
- If you have information about Requiem, I want it.
- You can give it to me freely, or I can EXTRACT it myself.
- I will tell you this...
- ...long have I known that you sought Requiem, and long have I watched you fail to find it.
- Now, at last, it is time to face you, and truly put an end to your plotting.
- Insolent and arrogant, like all of your species.
- I will enjoy spilling your blood.
End of Sigrid fight (Victory):
- One less nightmare in the world.
End of Sigrid fight (Defeat):
- There's something quite satisfying about regicide...
Start of Dark Mercia fight:
- It must be around here somewhere...
- I know I'm close, I can sense the dark pull of its magic.
- Oh. Hi, Dad.
- Mercia?! What's happened to you?!
- This cannot be! You returned home to safety!
- Oh yes - all the way home like a good little girl...
- Left alone to sit in the castle, patiently waiting for news.
- And waiting... And waiting...
- It felt just like sitting outside mother's sickroom all those years ago...
- I went home and chewed my nails until I drew blood...
- And still no word came.
- So I left again.
- And this time I heard Requiem calling.
- I came straight here.
- It has claimed you.
- Oh, we're a team, Requiem and I...
- With Requiem, I can keep you safe, you see? The way I couldn't keep Mum safe.
- The way YOU couldn't keep Mum safe.
- Bluebird, please. If there's any of your true self left within you...
- Please come back to me! Turn away from the darkness!
- Oh, Father. It's a little late for that.
- Fight, Mercia! FIGHT!
- Hahahaha! What a good idea!
- Draw your sword, old man...
End of Dark Mercia fight (Victory):
- It isn't too late, Bluebird!
End of Dark Mercia fight (Defeat):
- You know, I did this for you.
- You could be a little more grateful.
Ending Cutscene:
- <Dark Mercia>: So, you bested me in a single fight? So what?!
- <Dark Mercia>: You are my father, after all... I held back.
- <Mercival>: Exactly.
- <Mercival>: That is Requiem's one weakness...
- <Mercival>: That for all its power, it cannot act alone.
- <Mercival>: It needs a person, a soul... And this time it chose my daughter.
- <Mercival>: And that was a mistake.
- <Mercival>: All your malice, Requiem...
- <Mercival>: All your ire and hatred and bloodlust...
- <Mercival>: It is no match for my daughter's heart!
- <Dark Mercia>: You're wrong, old man! Just stop!
- <Mercival>: Bluebird... You can beat her!
- <Dark Mercia>: I SAID, STOP IT!
- <Mercival>: Mercia!
- (Dark Mercia turns back into Mercia.)
- <Mercia>: Dad.
- <Mercival>: My little Bluebird.
- (Fade to black.)