Help:Puzzle Solution Notation

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For every page on a Puzzle map on the WarGroove Wiki, one or more solutions may be provided. To make this easier to communicate, solutions on this wiki use a standard notation similar to Chess notation.

This takes the form of

[Starting Co-ordinates] [Selected Unit Type] ➜ [Ending Co-ordinates] [Action] [Target Co-ordinates] [Target Unit Type] [Result]

For example:

  1. Trebuchet Soldier 💀
  2. 11d Cavalry ➜ 9c Archer 💀
  3. Mage ➜ 8d Commander
  4. Commander ➜ 6f Spearman 💀
  5. Soldier ➜ 6d Commander
  6. 3h Cavalry ➜ 7f Commander 💀


All co-ordinates use the map grid, with the horizontal position as a number, and the vertical position as a letter. The bottom-left most tile is always 1a. Below is an example of every co-ordinate on a 5x5 map.

1e 2e 3e 4e 5e
1d 2d 3d 4d 5d
1c 2c 3c 4c 5c
1b 2b 3b 4b 5b
1a 2a 3a 4a 5a


The action indicates the type of order issued.

  • Attack
  • Groove


The result indicates the outcome of the order issued.

  • 💀 Target is defeated

Redundancy and Ambiguity[edit]

Some of the information may not be present in all orders, especially co-ordinates. This is the case if there is one, and only one, of that unit type available, therefore no further specifications are needed. Conversely, if any ambiguity can be drawn from an order instruction, further information must be given.