Template:Infobox Unit/doc

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This template is used to provide a template that displays an infobox for units, including commanders.


This template can be used by entering the following onto a relevant page.

{{Infobox Unit


{{Infobox Unit
|type= name of unit's icon (e.g., Soldier, Archer, Giant, etc.)
|faction = The faction army the unit belongs to
|cost= Cost to recruit unit from building (Not entered for commander type units)
|move= number of regular tiles this unit can move
|move_type= Unit's movement type
|range= The tile range this unit can attack from
|sight= The distance, in tiles, the unit can see
|description= Unit description from in game info tab
|effective= Effective against unit types
|vulnerable= Vulnerable to unit types
|capture= Can this unit capture cities? (Optional)
|portrait= Commander portrait (Optional)
|commanderdetail= Commander description (Optional)


{{Infobox Unit
|description=Basic infantry, useful for capturing structures. Critical hit when adjacent to its commander.

Results in...

Upload the battle sprite for this unit
Upload the battle sprite for this unit
Unit Type
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Basic infantry, useful for capturing structures. Critical hit when adjacent to its commander.
Cost: 1200
Movement: 2
Range: 2
Sight: 5
Capture: yes
{{Infobox Unit
|description=Basic infantry, useful for capturing structures. Critical hit when adjacent to its commander.
|commanderdetail=Basic infantry, useful for capturing structures. Critical hit when adjacent to its commander.

Results in...

"Basic infantry, useful for capturing structures. Critical hit when adjacent to its commander."
Campaign Difficulty
Unit Details
Upload the battle sprite for this unit
Upload the battle sprite for this unit
Age: Ageless
Height: Heightless
Favorite Thing: Wiki Infoboxes
Least Favorite Thing: Missing bio info
Unit Type
Upload the map sprite for this unit
Upload the map sprite for this unit
Basic infantry, useful for capturing structures. Critical hit when adjacent to its commander.
Movement: 2
Range: 2
Sight: 4
Capture: yes