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Player Stats[edit]

Each player has access to their own resources to control and manage. The key to a victory is utilising these resources effectively.


Gold is the basic currency of WarGroove. Gold can be used to recruit new units, reinforce injured units, and cast special abilities. Each turn the player will earn some gold in the form of Income generated by the buildings they own.

Any unspent gold can be stored and used at a later time.


The Units number shown in the Overview screen is a representation of all buildings and units currently owned and occupied by the player, providing an overview for the player's current army size.

Unit Stats[edit]

A unit's stats determine the combat condition and potential of a unit, used in combat calculations and for various abilities.


Health in Wargroove not only determines how close the unit is to defeat, but also directly scales the unit's attack power. The lower a unit's health the lower it's attack power will be.

All units have up to 100 health, shown as a percentage in the bottom-left or bottom-right corner. Additionally, on the unit will be either a small 1-digit number or a healthbar, providing a simplified view of the unit's condition. Units near full health will not display an indicator on them.

When a unit reaches zero health they'll be defeated and removed from the battlefield.


Attack power is the proportional amount of damage a unit will deal when attacking a target. Every unit has a unique attack power on every other unit (see Damage Matrix for more information).

The amount of damage inflicted takes into account the attacker's current health, the attacking unit's effectiveness vs the defending unit, and any damage modifiers that may be in effect.

Before attacking a unit, a preview is shown on the combat outcome of the battle.


Defence is a unit's ability to resist an incoming attack, and is determined by the terrain the defending unit is on, and their current health.

Each point of defence represents 10% damage reduction at full health, reaching a maximum of 4 defence for 40% damage reduction at full health.

Vulnerability, or negative defence, increases incoming damage by 10% per point, regardless of the defender's health.

Air units, unlike others, do not receive any Defence effects from the land they fly above.


A unit's movement stat determines how far they can travel each turn, and what terrain types they can traverse.

A unit's movement comprises both their movement type, and the amount of movement they can perform each turn.


During battles in Fog of War, a unit's sight determines how far they can see. Sight is neccessary to attack units and identify where the enemy is located.

Some units can also see through certain terrain types, giving them better visibility of the battlefield.


A special stat for Commanders, the Groove is a measure of the current amount of charged energy a Commander has to utilise their Groove ability.

These Groove abilities are unique to every commander.

Groove is charged passively over time, and rapidly increased by engaging in combat, and by defeating enemies.